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~   :I've got award 5 times for the Outstanding Achievement Award which is an award offered to only the top a

      few % of students in Ibaraki University.

2020.03:I've got degree of Science at Ibaraki University in Japan

2020.04:I enter the Master's Program in Physics in University of Tsukuba.

2021.05:Our paper had been published in PASJ.

           (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 73, Issue 4)

2021.09:I've got an offer from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (JSPS, DC1).


2022.02:I've passed the examination for my Master's thesis.

2022.03:I've got  Master's degree of Science at University of Tsukuba in Japan

2022.03:I got an award "筑波大学大学院理工情報生命学術院数理物質科学研究群長賞"

2022.04:I enter the Doctoral Program in Physics in University of Tsukuba

2022.04:Our research was introduced on the student interview page of the Center for Computational Sciences      (CCS) of the University of Tsukuba

​     (CCSで学ぶ Vol.6)

2022.08:I got an award for excellence in group work at the Galaxy-IGM workshop 2022.

2022.09:I was appointed to manage the web. of 天文・天体物理若手の会事務局2022


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